Forrest Nursery - Select Seedlings Western Australia
Forrest Nursery Western Australia is located in the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup and used for wholesale production. The main working site is located on the property called ‘Hillsborough’ on the Boyup-Brook Road.
The Hillsborough site mainly produces:
eucalyptus, pine and other wholesale plantation seedlings
vegetable seedlings for the wholesale market which are grown under the trading name Select Seedlings
ornamental cuttings and native seedlings for our retail and wholesale company Boyanup Botanical
various other smaller crops as required
ornamental cuttings and native seedlings for both retail and wholesale
The site has the capacity to produce millions of cuttings by utilising our climate controlled hothouses, hydroponic hothouse and 10,000 square meter shade house. It also has steam sterilisation facilities for recycling our trays and pots, with steam being the only proven method of properly killing weed seed and disease.
The Pinchers Brook site is the original plantation and administration site and is situated only a few kilometres away from Hillsborough. This site has the capacity to produce millions of plantation seedlings every season if required.